MGroup™ Announces a Joint Marketing Agreement with Evo Furniture + Design

MGroup™, a world leader in hospitality interior furnishing products and Evo, an Estonian-based supplier to the Marine and Hospitality markets, announces a joint marketing agreement. The goal is to take the Evo Furniture + Design brand worldwide to address the growing needs for a world-class resource for public area architectural millwork and high-end suites for the gaming, hospitality, and the cruise line market.

2020-10-01T18:06:23-04:00January 3rd, 2020|

MGroup™ Introduces Mstone® Video on our European Quartz Supply Chain

Take a virtual tour of our European Supply chain for quartz countertop slabs and fabrication of countertops.  Our new super jumbo Breton quartz slab fabrication line has started production in November and is the second slab line in our Spanish facility. 

2020-10-01T18:07:52-04:00November 1st, 2019|

European Hospitality Design Tour

Arne Augustinussen, MGroup’s European Director of Operations, hosted Nuno Braga Rosa, our European and MENA Account Manager, and our CEO, Dave Murray, in Germany this September. MGroup™ is spreading the news of our incredible pivot to a more balanced production in Eastern and Southern European countries which creates great value for European hospitality clients.

2020-10-01T18:14:20-04:00September 10th, 2019|

Predictable Supply Chains for Hospitality

The Wall Street Journal recently released an article about supply chain movement to Vietnam and the potential issues that are being faced in that region. With thanks to the Wall Street Journal, the article correctly points out the biggest problems that are being recognized with a Vietnamese-centered supply chain.

2020-10-01T18:15:35-04:00September 3rd, 2019|

MGROUP™ Rug Program & Development Designer, Brieanna Bailey Visits Factories in China and India

As I get settled back into daily life, I wanted to take some time to reflect on the amazing journey I just took and what it meant for MGROUP™. The rug business and this trip were my form of Disney World, and I definitely left with the heart of Mickey Mouse.

2020-10-01T18:18:03-04:00August 22nd, 2019|
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